Yangi and packaging value chain partners join forces to develop future biobased packaging

To aid and speed up the shift from fossil-based plastic packaging, Yangi has initiated a strategic research collaboration project with partners Holmen Iggesund, Solenis, Fiber-X, FutureLab & Partners AB, Duni Group, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Lund University, and a premium brand owner within the consumer goods segment.

The consortium is represented by actors from the packaging value chain, including brand owners from Sweden and Europe, raw material and chemical suppliers, manufacturers, and technology developers for cellulose-based packaging for wet-moulding and dry forming.

The goal of the collaboration is to further understand and develop new barrier chemistry and methods for the formation of fibre-based packaging related to dry forming and wet-moulding technologies.

100% Bio-based packaging to replace single-use plastic

The aim is to drive the development within the industry in order to achieve 100% bio-based packaging without losing product qualities that can satisfy the rising demand for;

  • Circularity, recyclability, and sustainability

  • Resource efficiency

  • Attractive design

  • Formability

  • Rigidity and 3D-Format

“We are really proud to be a part of this exciting partner consortium combining a wide knowledge and skills from top researchers in our area to industrial partners and brands. Furthermore, combining two technology platforms using cellulose fibres to substitute plastic packaging will give added value and important insights. This project is an important initiative to contribute to a faster transition towards bio-based packaging concepts” says Anna Altner, Founder and in charge of strategic R&D collaborations.

The project is supported by BioInnovation, a strategic innovation program financed by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency, Formas, and the participating Stakeholders.

For more information please visit BioInnovation: https://www.bioinnovation.se/en/projekt/design-of-future-proof-bio-based-packaging-for-increased-circularity/


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Presenting Equil - an innovative design for fibre based packaging